Monday, July 23, 2018


 Years ago, the face of family finance was majorly the man’s business even though some women took the responsibilities of solely providing for the family like paying for the accommodation, feeding and footing all bills.  This was the case of women married to lazy men, widows and those whose husbands could not work due to sicknesses and sort.

The prevailing trend now is more men leave the responsibilities of family finance solely to the woman, I have seen able bodied men who are laid backs, lazy and are comfortable in such situation since they have a woman to provide the basics for them. The fact is situation could make the man earn less, I am not talking about men who are giving it a shot and earning something.  The fact that you are putting in efforts is good enough and I encourage you that if you keep at it, you will break through, for this type of men, it’s good to have a supportive woman who will step in and cover the few lapses. Family finances should be the responsibility of both the man and the woman in my opinion but it is best that it’s well defined in the family.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Handling Financially Induced Depression

 Depression is a part of human baggage which is becoming endemic and we need to take conscious effort not to be caught in its web. Anybody can be depressed, a more crucial reason to be watchful and take personal responsibility for our health and life.
What is Depression? This is the feelings of severe despondency and dejection caused by several situations which includes money problems or financial stress. Many people are having a tough time paying bills and meeting their financial obligations which has led to a feeling of despondency, dejection and ultimately Depression.
I am not a health expert but a Personal Finance Coach, so I can only proffer solution on only financially induced depression from finance perspectives.

Monday, January 15, 2018

You need to do more!!

The New Year has begun in earnest and just like preceding years its fast running, this necessitates the need for us to gear up to do more and begin early.
Most people begin the year with expectations of getting the best financially, but as the common quote goes ‘Talk is cheap’ anybody can say anything. The determinants of a better 2018 is the result you can show at the end of the year, and the truth is: the year had begun already, opportunities are already slipping away and some hopes are been dashed.
I am not a prophet of doom I just want to encourage you to do more as time waits for no man. One proverb I love so much is ‘if wishes were horses, beggars will ride’ you cannot live your entire year on wishful thinking but on practicable actions that can deliver your dreams and aspirations to you. Once again time waits for no man.